Wednesday, October 16, 2024

It's In Our Nature

It's In Our Nature

"When you get tired, learn to rest, not quit"

Have a break.

Sit down.

Have a drink.

And spend some time looking after yourself for a change.

And then start again.

When we push and push and push ourselves, we are damaging not just our Physical bodies, but our Mental Health too.

And when we 'quit', the feeling of being a failure 'closes' our minds down and depression can creep in, which we must avoid as best we can.

Sometimes, when things are getting tough, it I often 'Life's' way of telling us to stop and rest, and whilst we are resting, the 'answer' will come to us.

We go to bed and sleep every night because it is human nature to do this, and it is Healthier to Rest our Bodies and Minds.

It is exactly the same when we are in the middle of a 'project'.

Don't Quit!


And when we have 'completed' the project, no matter how long it takes, we will look back and be glad that we didn't quit but rested along the way.

The sense of Achievement is so Good for our Mental Health.


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