Sunday, October 13, 2024

Balance Is Vital

 Balance Is Vital

“Life is better when you cry a little, laugh a little, and are thankful for everything you’ve got”

When we cry, we are letting go of negative feelings, releasing them, and making room for Positive and Happy ones.

When we Laugh, we are building up those Happy feelings and helping our Mental Health.

When we Appreciate our Lives today, we are showing Faith in Ourselves.

Being Grateful for everything we have in Life increases our Happiness and Helps us to try to ‘see the Good’ in every situation.

And ‘see the Good’ in others too.

How can we Help ourselves to be Grateful and Happy with what we have in Life?

Daily Meditation and Gratitude journaling keeps this at the forefront of our Minds.

And when we write this down in our own personal journals, we can re-read and remind ourselves what we should be Grateful for, in our Lives, every day.

This will Help us to have Harmony in our Lives.

And this will Help us to Appreciate our Lives.


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