Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Tulip And The Rose

 The Tulip and the Rose

"My life isn't perfect but I am thankful for what I have"

What is "Perfection"?

It Is many different things to many different people.

In my opinion, if you are Grateful for what you have in your Life and Happy, you are Living the Perfect Life.

Society tries to 'squeeze' us  into what 'It' calls a 'perfect' Life, which can put pressure and stress onto people, and it's not necessarily 'how' some Want to Live Their Lives.

When we make it a part of our daily routine to take a few minutes to think about what we do have, and to be Thankful for this, all of a sudden our Lives Look Perfect.

Finding Joy in what we have in our Lives, and who we have, and 'Seeing' the Beauty that is really there, Helps us to Embrace our Lives for what they really are.

The trap comes when we start to 'compare' ourselves with others and with their Lives.

A rose and a tulip grow in the same garden, but Both are Beautiful!

We Learn from 'imperfections' as we go through Life, but the most Important thing is to "Accept" Ourselves for who we really are.


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