Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Build That Courage Up

 Build That Courage Up

“Courage doesn't mean you don't get afraid. Courage means you don't let fear stop you”

What is Courage?

“The ability to do something that frightens one; Bravery”.

“Strength in the face of pain or grief”.

“The quality of being ready and willing to face negative situations involving danger or pain”.

This kind of Courage never allows “fear” to stop it or to get in the way.

We face each day with a little Courage because we just don't know what each day will bring.

However, when we ‘Plan’ our day, at least we have Control of our day.

We know where we're going at a certain time, what we'll be doing and who we'll be meeting.

“This” does take the fear out of the activities of the day.

And I always feel a sense of Achievement When I ‘tick’ each activity as done.

This Helps to Build up Courage and Confidence.

Courage Helps us to Control any fear that we may have about doing anything.

Never let ‘fear’ stop you from doing anything you may want to do.

Courage will Help you to Follow your Dreams.

“You can do it!”


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