Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Balance The Mind And The Heart

 Balance The Mind And The Heart

"Clear your mind. Your Heart is trying to tell you something"

When we quieten our Minds, we can very often 'hear' our Emotions and 'feel' what is inside of us.

And this is Important for us to have a Happy Life.

We Live such busy Lives that our Minds are filled with the day's activities, and we do very often 'ignore' what our 'Heart' is trying to tell us, or 'how we feel' about something.

We may be of the opinion that everyone else is more Important.

The simple truth is that "You" are just as Important and must give yourself the time that is needed to "look after yourself".

Meditation and Gratitude Journalling and Physical Exercise are all 'Techniques' that can help us to Quieten down our Minds, clearing our minds, so that we can 'Hear' our own 'Hearts'.

When we have that 'gut' feeling, we must Listen to ourselves because it could help us to avoid a nasty situation.

Or, 'it' could Encourage us towards a Happy time in the Future.

Peace, Happiness and Strength are Strong 'Qualities' that we can have, when we need and have a Balanced relationship between our Minds and our Hearts.


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