Friday, October 11, 2024

Achieve That Happy Life

 Achieve That Happy Life

“Some people wish to be pretty, rich or popular. Me? I just want to be happy”

Money helps us to Live and Beauty makes the appearance look nice, but how many people have both and are Happy?

Society around us puts emphasis on physical appearance and wealth and popularity.

And everyone ‘thinks’ that they should ‘conform’ to that.

But it’s a Good thing to be different when it makes you Happy.

And what makes you and me Happy?

There is nothing wrong with these ‘things’ “IF” they make us Happy and Fulfilled in our Lives.

A Happy Mind is what ‘gives’ us a Happy Life.

Instead of always wanting the latest fad, we should be looking after our Emotional Well-being.

Self-Discovery can often be more Exciting than excess wealth.

And Personal Growth “IS” more Important than popularity.

ALso, we don’t necessarily need these ‘things’ to be Successful.

“Success” can mean several different things to different people.

The dictionary definition of the word Success is: “the achievement of a desired goal or outcome”.

This begs the question: what do you and I want to Achieve to make our Lives Happy?


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