Tuesday, October 1, 2024

It's Our Only Choice

It's Our Only Choice 

"You never realize how strong you are until Strong is your only choice"

When I read this, I always think about someone who has had a terrible accident, and literally needs all of their Physical Strength to get over the accident and back into 'normal Life'.

"I never knew I had it in me!".

This, of course, could be related to Mental Strength and Emotional Strength. 

None of us know what we can really "DO" until we are faced with the fact that we have to be Strong, or we will just go under.

A Positive view on Life will really Help us at such a time.

And the Determination that whatever happens => "We will get through this!"

We can 'prepare' for such times by building up our Minds on a daily basis with Positive Affirmations and Daily Gratitude. 

It is Good to recognize our own Strengths and to "Know" that we will get through difficult situations, because then we are not afraid when anything does come up.

Sometimes it is a Good thing to think about how we got through 'a situation' in our past as this gives us the Encouragement and the Strength to "Know" that we will get through 'it'.

Then, you surprise yourself: "I never knew I had it in me".