Saturday, August 24, 2024

Think Feel Act

 Think   Feel   Act

“Make your mental health a priority”

Our Mental Health is just as Important, if not more so, as our Physical Health.

The definition of Mental Health is: “a state of well-being that affects how people think, feel and act”.



And Act.

When we have Good Mental Health we can ‘cope’ with the pressures of everyday Life.

With Good Mental Health we can make the Right Choices.

How can we Help ourselves Mentally?

Eating the right foods on a daily basis is a good start.

Sensible exercise keeps the Mind ‘busy’, as well as helping us Physically.

Practicing Mindfulness will Strengthen our Minds towards a ‘Positive Way of Thinking’.

And what we need to remember is that if we feel that we do have a problem or an illness ‘Mentally’, Help Is Available.

Whilst it is vital that we look after ourselves Mentally, professional help is ‘out there’ and we must ask for it, ignoring any stigma that is slowly disappearing now.

So, we can Help Ourselves Mentally, each and every day, and there is professional help available also.

Looking after our Mental Health will also build up our Emotional Health, which is also Important for a Happy and Healthy Life.


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