Saturday, August 10, 2024

"I Just Don't Have Time!"

 “I Just Don’t Have Time!”

“Don’t compare your chapter one to someone else’s chapter twenty”

Each and every one of us is Unique and special.

We all have our own Beautiful Qualities and this is why we should never compare ourselves to other people.

Distinctive is such an unusual word but quite relevant.

The word means ‘the characteristics of one person which distinguishes him or her from others’.

Or a Special ‘Feature’ that someone has.

The trouble we have is that the media expects us to ‘conform’ to certain ways or standards, and this is ‘how’ we can start comparing our lives to that of others.

It is Important that we each take our own journey of Self-Discovery.

We don’t know why our friend is on chapter twenty, but then he or she does not know why we are on chapter one.

True, we can ‘Learn’ from others, seeing how they got through a certain problem or situation.

But we should never compare our lives to theirs.

For one thing, there may be nothing in common between you, so then there would be no ‘reference’.

But let’s keep this ‘light’.

We find Joy in our own Victories, especially when we are Grateful for certain ‘things’ and ‘people’ that we have in our own lives.

When we are Busy in a Positive way in our own Lives, we do not have time to compare ourselves to others.


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