Wednesday, August 7, 2024

It's Going To Take Work

 It’s Going To Take Work

“Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts”

What are you thinking about?

How does it make you feel?

How do you want to feel?

It is up to us ‘how’ we look at Life.

It is our ‘choice’ to be Happy or sad.

One will Strengthen us and the other will weaken us.

Which is better for our Health?

Our minds ‘control’ us, so whatever we ‘allow’ ourselves to think about will affect us — Mentally, Emotionally and Physically.

This is why we need to “Train” our minds to Think these Positive thoughts.

We need to “Train” ourselves to ‘see’ the Good in everything.

Being with ‘like friends’ will also help, as their Positiveness will ‘rub off onto us’.

When we practice Gratitude, our minds ‘get used to’ thinking and Appreciating Life for what it is today.

Our Minds are ‘Muscles’.

The more we exercise our minds, by deliberately thinking Positive Affirmations every day, the Stronger our Minds will become.

And the more our Minds will be ‘shaped’ towards Positivity.

Think of the Benefits of this.

There is no room for negativity.

Because you are seeing the Good in everything, Life looks Nice and Better.

And we ourselves become much Happier people.


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