Monday, August 19, 2024

Heal Yourself Emotionally

 Heal Yourself Emotionally

“Don’t forget you’re human. It’s okay to have a meltdown, just don’t unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where you are headed”

It is here that our Emotional Health comes to the fore.

We ARE human.

We do make mistakes.

And we do need to ‘let our feelings out’.

We live in a society which expects us to be “perfect” all of the time, and that it’s just not the ‘done thing’ to show our emotions.

Luckily, society is changing as we become more aware of our Mental Health. 

It is Important to allow ourselves to ‘get rid of’ the negative feelings and thoughts to make room for the Positive and Determined thoughts and feelings.

We need to Learn “how” to get rid of this ‘poison’ in a Controlled and Constructive way.

Basically, we want to let our feelings out in a “Safe” way.

One Controlled way is to sit down and write or draw it ‘all’ out, and if you start to cry at the same time, allow the tears to weep.

Give yourself permission to heal and to get better Mentally and Emotionally.

Show Compassion towards yourself this time.

Once you’ve done this and start to feel better, aim your thoughts towards Positive and Stronger thoughts.

Start to use your “Positive Support System” straight away.

And then be more Determined than ever to succeed.


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