Sunday, August 18, 2024

Positive, Confident and Happy

 Positive, Confident and Happy

“The future depends on what you do today”

The choices that we make today will affect our futures.

The person we choose to marry and live with will affect theirs and our futures.

The way we handle our finances today will determine whether we will live in debt or debt-free.

Whether we plan our lives or not will show how much Control we have over our own Lives.

When we are at school, we are encouraged to choose subjects to study which will affect our futures.

This is a Good way of Learning how to Plan and of gaining Control of our Lives from a young age.

This could help us to avoid many of the problems that ‘youths’ face (and fall into) when they are not ‘looking ahead’.

The type of ‘friends’ we hangout with will affect our futures.


Well, is he or she always negative which will make us think negative thoughts today and tomorrow?

Or is he or she Positive, Confident and Happy which will keep that Smile on our faces today and tomorrow?

There are a lot of things that can and will affect our future lives that we need to be constantly ‘building up our minds’ so that we will make the kind of choices that will have a Positive and Healthy affect on our Futures.


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