Sunday, August 25, 2024

Spend Quality Time With Those We Love

 Spend Quality Time With Those We Love

“Cherish those you have in your life because you never know when they won’t be around anymore”

This really comes to the fore when we lose someone we love and cherish in death.

Whether he or she is your mum or dad, brother or sister, or best friend, it always leaves a huge hole in our lives and some Beautiful memories to remember.

The word “Cherish” means => to protect and care for someone / to hold dear.

Yes, this can apply to objects but it means so much more when we apply this to ‘people’.

Loving and cherishing those we Love “Today” proves that ‘we are living in the moment’ and Appreciate these Beautiful friends and family that we have in our Lives “Now”.

Unfortunately, at the moment, we live in an ‘uncertain’ world, because anything can happen at any time.

It’s True!

Which is why we ‘must’ spend those few extra minutes with grandma when we take her shopping over.

Or take sis out for that coffee and have a jolly good catch up.

Showing Gratitude to these lovely people and telling them how much you Love him or her will put some Beautiful memories in your mind.

Quality time with those we Love can never be replaced.


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