Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Who Is Smiling Back?

 Who Is Smiling Back?

“Self-confidence is the best outfit — Rock it and own”

This is a great Positive quote.

We often ‘worry’ about what we’re going to wear: “do I look good in this?” But believe me, every one of us looks Good when we have Confidence in Ourselves!

What is Self-Confidence?

The dictionary explains it this way: “a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities and judgement”.

How well do you “know” yourself?

Having Self-Confidence means that you can see the best in yourself, and the best ‘version’ you can be.

This also means that you can see that other people Respect you and ‘who’ you are.

The question is => do you Respect yourself?

To help with this, look in the mirror and Smile and see who is Smiling back.


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