Monday, March 25, 2024

It's Mental And Physical

 It’s Mental And Physical

“You get to do nothing sometimes. And you don’t have to feel guilty for that. Everyone needs rest. It’s not ‘lazy’”

Self-care is something that everyone of us can do, in our own homes, and it is free.

This is so good for our mental health, which is good for our physical health.

The trouble is that we are so busy, that to stop and ‘do nothing’ for half an hour, we feel guilty, thinking about all the things we should be doing.

The thing is => we “Should” be doing nothing and resting, looking after ourselves.

Have you heard of the “3 R’s”? 

Rest, Relax, Rebuild.

These are three things that we all need to do every single day, to look after ourselves — both mentally and physically.

And like we make time to wash and eat and ‘look smart’ for work (or for the day), so should we make time to look after our mental and physical health.


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