Tuesday, March 26, 2024

It Is True

 It Is True

“If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely”

It is true, you know, that you can always tell when someone is Beautiful on the inside, (as well as on the outside).

Their Smile says it all and they just “Shine”.

This' Beauty of the inside’ starts with Good, Nice and Positive thinking.

Although we all have history and things that happened in our past that we would rather forget, there is always something nice that happened for us to remember.

It’s just a case of letting the nice memories in to ‘take over’ the bad thoughts, until all we have in our minds is the Positive pictures.

Being Determined to do this will help us to even write down these nice ‘adventures’ that have happened in our lives, so that we can re-read and remember every day.


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