Friday, March 22, 2024

As Unique As A Fingerprint

 As Unique As A Fingerprint

“Never measure your progress using someone else’s ruler”

Every one of us is Different and Unique.

Every one of us has a Unique fingerprint. 

Every one of us has a Special Skill or Talent.

It just takes time to find it.

Some of us have never had the opportunity to “really see what we can do individually”.

And this can be difficult when we grow up in a large family or even as an only child. At school, we are encouraged to ‘compete’ with our fellow pupils, but this is only to push ourselves to see what we can personally do.

We need to build up our own Confidence and Believe in what we can do individually.

And we need to Encourage our children to show who they are as individuals.

The only ruler we should be measuring ourselves against — is our own.


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