Monday, March 18, 2024

Because It Is There

Because It Is There

“Find a reason to smile everyday”

And we do have a reason to Smile everyday — we live on Earth.

This planet is called “The Jewel In Space” because, compared to the other planets, the Earth is colourful, full of life, and It Shines amongst the blackness of space.

Space is like the jewellery box, and each planet is a precious gem. Earth stands out on the jewellery box because of Its sheer beauty.

Are you smiling yet?

You and I are Unique and Special in our own way. We both Shine every day we are Alive, showing our Skills and Talents that only we have.

Are you smiling yet?

When you cuddle a new-born baby and look into his or her eyes, how do you feel?

Now you are smiling!

Find something in your Life that makes you Smile. Think about it because it is there.



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