Thursday, March 21, 2024

Put Us In Our Place

 Put Us In Our Place

“You may be tired and exhausted, but at least you woke up today. Someone else didn’t”

This is a good reminder for all of us to remember every day.

Life Itself is Extremely Precious.

And in our busy lives, we don’t always remember this.

When we’re moving on in everyday life, we can sometimes ‘complain’ because things are just not going our way, and this is understandable, especially when we work so hard.

But — this quote does put us in our place.

Whilst we’re complaining because “-----”, someone is in hospital, dying of cancer (or some other illness).

We wake up the next day, ready to complain about something else, whilst that person died in the night, never to see their loved ones again, in this world.

It comes down to Appreciating Life.


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