Sunday, March 31, 2024

It's So Much More Cheerful

 It’s So Much More Cheerful

“Try to make three people smile each day. It’s the easiest way to improve your confidence and make the world a better place”

Remember to make yourself the fourth person.

Smiling is so Important when it comes to having a Positive Attitude.

And it’s true isn’t it?

When we see someone smiling at us, it’s almost ‘automatic’ to smile back.

How do you feel when you see someone smiling at you?

It’s so much more Cheerful to be in a room full of smiling people.

All of this can only be good for our Confidence and our Hearts, as a Cheerful heart makes a Cheerful soul.

Also, don’t we always want to see our children smiling?

Why are we, as adults, any different?


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