Wednesday, February 21, 2024

What Do "I" Allow?

 What Do “I” Allow?

“There is nothing in this world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts”.

It comes back to what you and I ‘allow’ ourselves to think about.

The mind is one of the few parts of our bodies that we can Control, and yet few of us do or even know how to.

What we take into our minds, through our eyes and ears, affects what we think about — Positive or negative.

If we keep on watching ‘drama’ and being in the middle of ‘trouble’, our minds will always be troubled.

If we listen to and watch Positive programs, even ‘fun’ shows, our minds will be ‘happy’ and we will start to want to always be in the middle of Happy people.

Then, hopefully, our thoughts will not trouble us but will be Positive and Strong.


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