Friday, February 23, 2024

Look What You Have Accomplished

 Look What You Have Accomplished

“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else”.

A good way to ‘deal’ with depression is to go out and help someone.

Your mind is taken off of your own problems because you are so busy thinking about and helping the other person. Then, sometimes, when you are alone and thinking about your ‘problems’, they don’t seem quite so big or bad.

Think about how you feel when you have helped someone, a friend or a loved one. You feel ‘Elated’ and you feel as if you have accomplished something good in your life: “I did that!”

This way, also, you are making some good and happy memories, putting some really nice ‘scenes’ in your mind’s eye.

When you see the other person smiling and hearing them thank you — you know you’ve done the right thing.

Help yourself by helping someone else.


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