Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Are You Doing What You Want To Do?

 Are You Doing What You Want To Do?

“Do not let making a living prevent you from making a life”.

We all need to go out to work to pay the bills, but sometimes ‘that’ becomes our life and we lose sight of any purpose or happiness. It’s just something that we ‘have’ to do.

What about all our dreams?

What about all of the things that we wanted to do since we were children?

What about making our lives “Meaningful”?

Some of us are happy with our jobs but (possibly) many of us are not, because we had to get the first job that came along to support our families.

Some of us have been able to ‘make our lives’ what we wanted them to become. Many of us have not.

The beauty of living today is that we can change our lives — if we really  want to.


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