Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Make A Happy Memory

 Make A Happy Memory

“You can’t start the next chapter if you keep rereading the last”.

Mmm, this can be a difficult one.

We all have past experiences which we wish we’d never gone through, whether of our own doing or not, the ‘pictures’ can be constantly in our mind's eye, causing us ‘pain’ emotionally and sadness.

This blocks our lives from moving forwards.

We need to replace the negative with the Positive, the sad with the Happy, and the bad memories with the Good memories.

By being Strong and Positive within our own minds, we can do this.

What the eye sees leaves a ‘print’ in our mind’s eye, which does affect our emotions — the heart — and which does eventually affect us physically.

There are thousands of things that we can do, and one of them is to think: “what would “I” like to do?” and just do it!

Make some Happy and New memories.


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