Saturday, February 24, 2024

Positive Attracts Positive

 Positive Attracts Positive

“It takes the same energy to worry as it does to be positive. Use your energy to think positive, and positive things will happen”.

We are what we attract.

Think Positive and you will attract Positive things, giving you a Positive life.

Use your time and energy ‘producing’ a Positive, Strong and Happy frame of mind.

Why worry when sometimes you can’t do anything about the problem anyway. Far better to use that energy in your mind to build yourself up, both mentally and physically.

Meditation is an excellent way to use your ‘energy’ to build a Positive mind, and to build Positive energy.

Meditation: “gives you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit your emotional well-being and your overall health”.

This is worth putting your energy into.


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