Monday, February 19, 2024

It Is Very Interesting!

 It Is Very Interesting!

“Difference doesn’t mean wrong”.

Variety is the life on this planet Earth.

When we think of the variety of birds, all different shapes, sizes and colours, and song, we are Amazed, and yet the Dawn Chorus is beautiful to listen to.

What is your favourite animal? I mean, the fact that we can even ask this question proves to the variety of animals we have on Earth.

My favourite animal is the cat. I love cats. Some are beautiful, some are just down right ugly, but I love them all, it doesn’t matter to me what they look like. Cats are cuddly and have very unique personalities, and this makes them so interesting to ‘study’ and learn about.

Why is it any different for us humans?

For example, there are 7,139 languages spoken on Earth today. Who loves to learn and speak more than one language? Some of us are brought up speaking 2 or more languages in the family. 

Communication is so Important!

There is only One human race, whatever colour, language or ‘look’ — we are all human.

Isn’t this Interesting?!


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