Friday, February 9, 2024

Never Forget This!

 Never Forget This!

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose”.

This is something we sometimes forget.

Each one of us has the ability, and very often the means, to Control our lives.

Even a person who has special needs (or is disabled) has this ability. They may show it in a different way, but it is still there.

And we must Encourage them to Control their own lives too!

The snake doesn’t have feet but it still moves and lives its life.

The dolphin has flippers instead of feet but how beautiful it looks, dancing in the Oceans of the Earth, living its life, with that Smile.

We are no different!

As humans, we belong to this Earth, so let’s show that we belong here.


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