Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Each One Of Us Is Unique

 Each One Of us Is Unique

“Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to other people”.

Every single person on this Earth is Unique with their very own Special talents.

Happiness comes when we “See” our own Unique and Special “Skills” — and accept them.

Whilst competition can be healthy and fun, as we ‘push ourselves’, however, comparing our ‘abilities’ with others and letting this take over our minds — is unhealthy!

This applies to every aspect of our lives, from the foods we eat, to the clothes we wear, to the very life that we lead, and even our looks and how we feel about our bodies.

Variety is the very life of this Earth, and we are a part of that variety — this should make us Happy.

Sit down and think about your own very Special and Unique talents.

How do you feel?

Proud, Special, Unique, Remarkable, Happy.


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