Monday, February 12, 2024

A Real Life Living 'Fairy-Tale'

 A Real Life Living ‘Fairy-Tale’

“Life is the most wonderful fairy tale”.

This is such a lovely quote.

What ‘fairy-tales’ can we find in life? What do you consider to be a ‘fairy-tale’?

The obvious one is the bride, in her beautiful white wedding dress, marrying ‘her Prince’, the groom, in his dashing suit, with both families looking on smiling. If only for that one day, the bride and groom are living their ‘fairy-tale’.

The mother holding her new-born baby for the first time, with the father cuddling them both. A real life living ‘fairy-tale’.

Living on this Amazing and Beautiful planet Earth can be considered a ‘fairy-tale’. Afterall, Earth has been called The Jewel in Space, with all of It’s Colour and Life.

Dolphins dance in the Oceans, horses gallop along the fields, we smell the divine roses, whilst birds fly and sing overhead, in the sky.

Doesn’t this sound like a ‘fairy-tale’?


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