Saturday, October 28, 2023

Open Your Eyes

 Open Your Eyes

"Everything is beauty, but not everyone can see it"

We are so busy in our everyday lives that we do not always 'think' about the beautiful life which surrounds us.

This is where "me-time" comes into play!

For just 10 minutes every day: STOP, SIT down and Quieten the mind.

And then look around you and you will see the very real Beauty that surrounds you.

Some of us love fresh flowers in a vase on a table (fond memories of mother), or there is a very well-loved pet that can be cuddled and loved.

What about the many wildlife documentaries that are available to watch (even on YouTube)? Watching the dolphins 'dance' in the Oceans just 'calms the mind'.

We need to open our eyes and really 'see' the Beauty in our lives.


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