Saturday, October 7, 2023


  "Either you run the day or the day runs you"

Life is so busy that our day has gone before we've even started it.

We get up early, go to work / college / (wherever), and before we know it, it's time to come home.

What happened? Where did the day go?

Time Management are big words (and are usually used for people in working situations) --- but--- we can all learn how to CONTROL our time.

I use a diary and, yes, I do write down almost every single hour of the day --- otherwise --- I forget half of what I wanted to personally accomplish.

At school or college, there is a timetable, and at work, there is usually a work's timetable.

Why not do this within our own lives?

That way we can (hopefully) accomplish what we want to do, never forgetting the important appointments, and seeing what we have personally done for the day.

This way --- we can at least try to CONTROL time in our own lives.


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