Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Happy, Healthy, Alive

 Happy, Healthy, Alive 

"I don't want a perfect life, but I'll take a happy life"

What is perfection?

Do we need to be perfect?

My answers to these two questions are => 

If you are alive > you have perfection.

To be alive > is to be perfect.

We are brought up and raised with "facts" about 'how' we should live and 'who' we should be.

But is this 'healthy' for us personally?

Surely it would be better to "accept" who we are and to live accordingly. 

To be "True" to ourselves. 

It is true, that we do have to live by certain standards = get the sums right and making sure we can read and write correctly, (I call these the 'basics' of life), but = we should "live" in a way which makes us Personally Happy. 

This is Perfect.


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