Monday, October 16, 2023

Control The Mind

"There is nothing in this world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts "

Mental health is a big thing now (thankfully).

It is hard to Control our own minds, as every single memory is stored in our brains, and we can be 'forever' re-living a memory that we had so many years ago.

And this affects our emotions, which will eventually affect us physically. 

Thankfully, today, there is a lot more help for our mental health, and it's not all popping pills.

'Therapy' can take many forms, with many different people, and we need to find the right one for us personally. 

Meditation is a useful 'tool' in helping us to Control our own minds.

Positive reading is reading Positive words, and this can help to re-train our minds to "think" Positive thoughts.

This is a Good start.


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