Wednesday, October 25, 2023

An Encouraging Smile

 An Encouraging Smile 

"One day, you'll be a memory for some people. Do your best to be a good one"

Every single day, we are always in contact with someone, either family, friend or stranger.

It's who we are as humans.

How will they 'see' us?

What will they 'think' of us?

None of us 'know' what the other is going through, but we are all going through something, so an encouraging word or a warm smile goes a long way.

Even if we ourselves are not feeling particularly good, we can make that effort to 'leave a good word' or smile an encouraging smile.

And this also helps us and not just the other person.

They feel good (even better) and we feel good.

Then, we all have good memories. 


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