Monday, October 30, 2023

Keep Learning

 Keep Learning

"Miracles happen => you are one of them!"

In a world as 'sensible' as this one, it is hard to believe in miracles. 

Everything is 'explained' away as science or 'something else', and there is not any mystery in life anymore. 

What we tend to forget (in our busy lives) is that we will never come to know everything about this Earth, the very planet we live on.

Everyday, new species of animals and insects and marine life are being discovered, not forgetting the new plant life and flowers.

So, what about us?

When a baby is born, it is a miracle. 

Every day, the parents are learning new things about their child, and then the child starts to learn about themselves, even when they become adults.

We were once that child, and even as adults, we are still learning about ourselves. 


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