Wednesday, October 4, 2023

It Keeps Adding Up

  "When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return"

How true is this statement!?!

We always feel better when we have cheered a friend up, made someone smile or just 'made their day'.

And we don't always know when we've helped someone.

Joy is: "a feeling of great pleasure and happiness".

And who wouldn't want this or give it?

The Earth give us joy every morning when we hear the dawn chorus, these little birds singing their hearts out to say: "Hello".

And when we see our baby's first steps or hear his / her first words --- we feel so elated.

When you look in the mirror --- what do you see? When you look at people around you --- what do you see? Everyone trying their best to keep on top of things.

Why not give that extra smile and say that extra "Hello" --- then everyone will feel a little bit happier.


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