Monday, October 9, 2023

Isn't This True!?!

  "When a woman becomes her own best friend life is easier"

Do we agree with this ladies?

Isn't it true, that when we are happier with ourselves, we are happier with the world around us!?!

And this can start from a very young age. 

When we are at school,  we 'compare' ourselves with the other girls in our class, and also with the world we are living in.

From this can start how we see our own body image. And a few words come to mind =>



Poor body image along with poor self-love.

How long has it taken us adult ladies to be happy and confident with our own bodies and lives?

We need to 'encourage' our girls, from a young age, to love themselves, to love their bodies, to respect their lives, and to be happy and proud of who they are.


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