Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Mind, Body And Soul

 Mind, Body And Soul

"Nothing soothes the soul like a walk on the beach"

How true this is!

When we've had a very busy time, maybe even a 'trying' time and we feel exhausted, the soothing sound of the waves on the sand, and the cool, soft feel of the sand under our feet — is just what the Doctor ordered!

We can become very troubled in our lives, and mentally, we just cannot think anymore.

Sitting on the sand, watching the waves, calms the mind (better than any alcoholic drink or 'drugs').

A walk along the beach is good exercise and 'quiet'.

Yes, it is soothing for the mind, body and soul.


Monday, October 30, 2023

Keep Learning

 Keep Learning

"Miracles happen => you are one of them!"

In a world as 'sensible' as this one, it is hard to believe in miracles. 

Everything is 'explained' away as science or 'something else', and there is not any mystery in life anymore. 

What we tend to forget (in our busy lives) is that we will never come to know everything about this Earth, the very planet we live on.

Everyday, new species of animals and insects and marine life are being discovered, not forgetting the new plant life and flowers.

So, what about us?

When a baby is born, it is a miracle. 

Every day, the parents are learning new things about their child, and then the child starts to learn about themselves, even when they become adults.

We were once that child, and even as adults, we are still learning about ourselves. 


Sunday, October 29, 2023

Only YOU Have The Right

 Only YOU Have The Right

"You are the artist of your life. Don't give the paintbrush to anyone else ".

Who loves to paint and colour?

Don't you feel in charge or Control, and when you see the finished picture, you feel as if you have accomplished something good.

There is no difference with our lives!

We are the only ones who have the right to make any changes in our lives.

Never give that power to anyone else!

Only we can paint the picture of our own lives, so let's make the picture as Beautiful and Happy and Strong as we can.


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Open Your Eyes

 Open Your Eyes

"Everything is beauty, but not everyone can see it"

We are so busy in our everyday lives that we do not always 'think' about the beautiful life which surrounds us.

This is where "me-time" comes into play!

For just 10 minutes every day: STOP, SIT down and Quieten the mind.

And then look around you and you will see the very real Beauty that surrounds you.

Some of us love fresh flowers in a vase on a table (fond memories of mother), or there is a very well-loved pet that can be cuddled and loved.

What about the many wildlife documentaries that are available to watch (even on YouTube)? Watching the dolphins 'dance' in the Oceans just 'calms the mind'.

We need to open our eyes and really 'see' the Beauty in our lives.


Friday, October 27, 2023

Be So Positive

 Be So Positive 

"Be so Positive that negative people don't want to be near you"

A magnet attracts metal.

A Positive person will always attract like-minded people. 

The more we 'want' to be Positive and Encouraging, not just for ourselves, but for others too — the more other Positive people will 'want' to be our friends. 

In this way, we also avoid or 'fight' the depression which can come from being with negative people. 

Who would you rather be with =>

Someone who is moaning and negative, and leaves you feeling 'bad'?

Someone who is happy and who is always saying encouraging things, and who leaves you feeling 'good'?


Thursday, October 26, 2023



"Look at the beauty in your life and be happy"

'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'.

Ask yourself: "what is beautiful in my life?" and then look in the mirror!

Every single person on this Earth is Beautiful.

The Earth Itself is beautiful and we come from this Earth. 

The rainbow after the storm is full of colour and every one of us see the same beautiful rainbow. 

I love cats and think they are one of the most beautiful animals on this Earth. What is your favourite animal?

The birds are so tiny and yet so colourful, and they have such beautiful little voices, and like the rainbow, we can all see them and hear them.

When a mother holds her baby, she sees the most beautiful 'creation' on Earth.

Beauty is all around us — we just need to Stop and See it.


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

An Encouraging Smile

 An Encouraging Smile 

"One day, you'll be a memory for some people. Do your best to be a good one"

Every single day, we are always in contact with someone, either family, friend or stranger.

It's who we are as humans.

How will they 'see' us?

What will they 'think' of us?

None of us 'know' what the other is going through, but we are all going through something, so an encouraging word or a warm smile goes a long way.

Even if we ourselves are not feeling particularly good, we can make that effort to 'leave a good word' or smile an encouraging smile.

And this also helps us and not just the other person.

They feel good (even better) and we feel good.

Then, we all have good memories. 


Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Honesty Pays

 Honesty Pays

"Being honest may not get you many friends, but it will get you the right ones"

How many times have we said this, to ourselves and others?

It isn't always a good thing to 'follow the crowd', and (sometimes) honesty is needed.

True, you may stand out but it could help a friend (even save them) from making a very serious mistake. 

He or She may not see it at the time, but when they do eventually come round, he or she will be grateful and will thank you.

Do this for yourself too.

Never be forced into doing something you just do not want to.

You'll be glad you 'listened to yourself'.

Honesty always pays, in more ways than one.


Monday, October 23, 2023

You Really Are

 You Really Are

"Choose, everyday, to forgive yourself. You are human, flawed, and most of all — worthy of love"

Who is Perfect?

Do we even want to be?

During our lives, we all make mistakes, sometimes we have to live with them, sometimes we just have to "learn" from them.

Forgive yourself and learn from the experience. 

And Move On towards the Future. 

You and I 'Deserve' love — from others and, most of all, from ourselves. 

When we 'look back' on our lives, we should learn from these 'experiences', be happy that we 'got through them', and love ourselves for doing it.


Sunday, October 22, 2023

Let It Heal

 Let It Heal

"Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life"

And Never Let It.

When we've been through a serious illness, it does take time to physically heal, and we have to let the body 'do it's job'.

How much better we feel when we are 'over it'.

This, of course, can also apply to the mind.

When we've been through a very 'difficult' situation, our minds are 'damaged' and we need to help it to get better.

This includes not re-thinking what happened, and filling our minds with good things to 'fight' the bad memories. 

This will take time and is sometimes a life-long 'treatment'.

Also, never be afraid to ask for help — it is there.


Saturday, October 21, 2023

A Good Idea

 A Good Idea

"Sometimes having coffee with your best friend is all the therapy you need" 

Why spend money you can't afford, speaking to someone you don't know, for half an hour, when you can spend an hour and a half, with your best friend, drinking your favourite drink, for free?

And you feel much better afterwards. 

Don't get me wrong, therapy is so very important, and these therapists are specially trained, but sometimes, being with your best friend and talking is a better 'kind' of therapy.

Also, we could ask ourselves: "Will my best friend feel 'comfortable' enough to come to me and talk?"

Life really can be a two-way street.


Friday, October 20, 2023

"It" Won't Leave You

 "It" Won't Leave You 

"What breaks you, won't heal you. What loves you, Won't leave you"

We all know this: going through a bad situation can have such a bad effect on our health, that we need that Special Love to 'heal' us.

And real Love will never leave you!

When we have this true Love, "we" are the ones who are living in the greener patch.

And we deserve this.

True Love is also good for our mental health too.

All the worry leaves you because 'you just know' that it is right.

"What loves you, won't leave you".


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Be Strong!

 Be Strong!

"The pain of yesterday is the strength of today"

We all go through life learning from one experience to another, and we can be either Strengthened or weakened by this.

Also, when we look back at what we have gone through, how do we feel?

We should feel Proud of how far we have come, and how we may have changed for the better. 

In different words: we won't make that mistake again.

When something 'happens', it is very painful at the time, and it is then that we need to look forwards and remember how much Stronger we will be in the future.

So, look in the mirror and be really Proud because you are that much Stronger. 


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Happy, Healthy, Alive

 Happy, Healthy, Alive 

"I don't want a perfect life, but I'll take a happy life"

What is perfection?

Do we need to be perfect?

My answers to these two questions are => 

If you are alive > you have perfection.

To be alive > is to be perfect.

We are brought up and raised with "facts" about 'how' we should live and 'who' we should be.

But is this 'healthy' for us personally?

Surely it would be better to "accept" who we are and to live accordingly. 

To be "True" to ourselves. 

It is true, that we do have to live by certain standards = get the sums right and making sure we can read and write correctly, (I call these the 'basics' of life), but = we should "live" in a way which makes us Personally Happy. 

This is Perfect.


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Be Happy, Be Healthy

 Be Happy, Be Healthy 

"I've decided to be happy because it is good for my health"

This is a fact!

The more Positive we are, the Happier we are, the Healthier we are.

What affects the mind 'will' affect the body.

Do we want to be a negative person and ill?

Do we want to be a Positive person and Healthy?

Of course, the emphasis is on us as individuals, to "help ourselves".

We must be Determined to read, think and do Positive things.

What we see with the eye, or hear with the ear, affects us mentally. 

When we physically look at Positive 'pictures', our minds eye will remember and (eventually) it's 'all' we will see in our minds.

The effect from this?

We will smile more and be happier and feel good.


Monday, October 16, 2023

Control The Mind

"There is nothing in this world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts "

Mental health is a big thing now (thankfully).

It is hard to Control our own minds, as every single memory is stored in our brains, and we can be 'forever' re-living a memory that we had so many years ago.

And this affects our emotions, which will eventually affect us physically. 

Thankfully, today, there is a lot more help for our mental health, and it's not all popping pills.

'Therapy' can take many forms, with many different people, and we need to find the right one for us personally. 

Meditation is a useful 'tool' in helping us to Control our own minds.

Positive reading is reading Positive words, and this can help to re-train our minds to "think" Positive thoughts.

This is a Good start.


Sunday, October 15, 2023

"That's Mine!"

  "It is never too late to be what you might have been"

How many of us actually reach our dreams and goals?

Often times, we get so caught up in every day, busy, life, that our dreams and our hopes get forgotten.

And then we stop one day, look back and "remember" what we personally wanted to do with our lives.

The beauty of living in this Century is that most things ARE Possible!!!

We can start studying at any age, which is lovely.

Whatever circumstances or situation we are personally in, there is always help available.

So, even if we are married with little ones, or older and retired, or even single and just in the wrong job, there is Support and Help for us to 'achieve our dreams'.

Even those who are "of special needs" or disabled CAN achieve their dreams too.


Saturday, October 14, 2023

Open The Book

  "Opportunities don't happen, you create them"

If you wait around for that 'perfect opportunity' --- it will never happen!

We have to make / create / look for it.

In other words, we need to get up and do something to 'create' that opportunity.

A good start is to get a notebook, a pen, sit down (with a drink), and write down the kind of opportunities that you personally want.

Writing it down on paper makes it more real because 'you can see it in black and white' (or colour).

Then, write down how you think you can personally achieve these opportunities.

Lastly, go out and do it!

With a book, you can open it at any time and "see" that what you personally want is possible.


Friday, October 13, 2023

It's A Team Effort

  "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much"

Together is always better.

Although we can get quite a lot done 'on our own', we can get three times more done alongside others.

And --- it is much Stronger.

Also, others respect us when we ask for help, and it proves that we trust them.

Never be afraid to ask for help because 'the job' is too big for us personally.

At school, we learn in a classroom full of other pupils.

At work, we usually work with other colleagues, either in the office, the shop, the hospital, etc, etc.

We are born into a family 'unit', sometimes surrounded by brothers and sisters.

We are 'meant' to be with others.


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Hope And Confidence

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence"

The word "Optimism" means => "hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something".

We need to have faith in ourselves that we can and will accomplish what we set out to accomplish.

To do this, we must be Positive.

We all start out with a hope and when we see that hope come true, we have real confidence in ourselves.

Faith means having "complete trust and confidence in someone or something".

That 'someone' is ourselves.


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Use Your Imagination

  "Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure. Live bravely, excitingly and imaginatively"

From the day we are born, we are always learning. 

From birth to death, we can look at our lives and "see" what we have personally accomplished. 

What do you and I see ?

Life on this Earth is a constant adventure, from the dolphins who 'dance' in the Oceans to the horses who trot in the fields to the birds who sing and fly in the skies.

Life is constantly moving.

And we "want" to move with it.

What fun!

How exciting!

Don't miss out and don't forget to use your imagination, we have it for a reason. 


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Turn It Into A Positive

  "A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him"

Don't ever let other peoples jealousies stop you from enjoying your life and making a success of yourself. 

They throw 'insults' at you because they want what you have got, and because they can't be bothered to work for it.

Turn those negatives into Positives and become Stronger in your resolve to be happier and 'better' in your life. 

When you look back over time, you'll be glad you didn't let that person stop you, and you'll be proud of what you personally have achieved. 


Monday, October 9, 2023

Isn't This True!?!

  "When a woman becomes her own best friend life is easier"

Do we agree with this ladies?

Isn't it true, that when we are happier with ourselves, we are happier with the world around us!?!

And this can start from a very young age. 

When we are at school,  we 'compare' ourselves with the other girls in our class, and also with the world we are living in.

From this can start how we see our own body image. And a few words come to mind =>



Poor body image along with poor self-love.

How long has it taken us adult ladies to be happy and confident with our own bodies and lives?

We need to 'encourage' our girls, from a young age, to love themselves, to love their bodies, to respect their lives, and to be happy and proud of who they are.


Sunday, October 8, 2023

"Fine Tune" It

  "It's not about time management. It's about better life management"

How do you want to live your life?

In constant running around, worn out at the end of every day? In a steady pace which shows what you have personally accomplished for the day?

We get so caught up with our busy lives, that we forget our own lives, our own ambitions, our own dreams, even our own health.

The Earth controls life and so can we.

That "me-time" is so precious for our mental health that it must be a "must" in our every day lives.

Our physical health is also just as important --- how are we looking after ourselves?

And what makes us personally happy? Never neglect this!

Sometimes, it really is about 'fine tuning' our own personal lives.


Saturday, October 7, 2023


  "Either you run the day or the day runs you"

Life is so busy that our day has gone before we've even started it.

We get up early, go to work / college / (wherever), and before we know it, it's time to come home.

What happened? Where did the day go?

Time Management are big words (and are usually used for people in working situations) --- but--- we can all learn how to CONTROL our time.

I use a diary and, yes, I do write down almost every single hour of the day --- otherwise --- I forget half of what I wanted to personally accomplish.

At school or college, there is a timetable, and at work, there is usually a work's timetable.

Why not do this within our own lives?

That way we can (hopefully) accomplish what we want to do, never forgetting the important appointments, and seeing what we have personally done for the day.

This way --- we can at least try to CONTROL time in our own lives.


Friday, October 6, 2023

"The Vision Pulls You"

 "If you are working on something you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you"

When we really want something --- we 'go get it'.

When we really care about something --- we don't let anything get in our way to 'get it'.

When we are really passionate about something in our lives --- we guard it and improve it and make it the biggest thing in our lives and we do all we can to 'keep it'.

Is this really hard work?


Because it's something we really love, our enthusiasm inside of us just keeps us moving forward and it is this which "keeps the dream alive".


Thursday, October 5, 2023

To Think Is To Live

  When you change your thoughts, remember to also change your world"

We are constantly trying to 'control' our minds, our thoughts, our actions.

By changing all of this, we are also changing our lives.

Maybe, we are not aware of it but our lives do and will change --- depending on where our minds are.

"Oh, I've changed my mind" does also mean "Oh, I've changed my life".

We get so caught up in our busy lives and often think that some things can be done tomorrow. Why not make tomorrow today and change your life for the better --- whatever that means to you personally.

It is true --- what the mind takes in affects the body which in turn --- affects the  person's life.


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

It Keeps Adding Up

  "When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return"

How true is this statement!?!

We always feel better when we have cheered a friend up, made someone smile or just 'made their day'.

And we don't always know when we've helped someone.

Joy is: "a feeling of great pleasure and happiness".

And who wouldn't want this or give it?

The Earth give us joy every morning when we hear the dawn chorus, these little birds singing their hearts out to say: "Hello".

And when we see our baby's first steps or hear his / her first words --- we feel so elated.

When you look in the mirror --- what do you see? When you look at people around you --- what do you see? Everyone trying their best to keep on top of things.

Why not give that extra smile and say that extra "Hello" --- then everyone will feel a little bit happier.


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

One Step At A Time

  "The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the stairs, one step at a time"

If we really want something in our lives, we will put in that extra effort, hard work and enthusiasm to 'get it'.

When a mother gives birth, she is determined to have and hold her baby.

When studying for exams, a student is determined to pass to get that degree to get that job.

When someone is determined to do something --- they always will.

And how do you feel when 'it's over' and you 'receive' that 'gift'?

A real sense of accomplishment.

"I did that!"

But --- it's never easy and will take time and is literally "one step at a time" --- but worth every single second of the day.


Monday, October 2, 2023


 "Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new" 

The beauty of this life is that we are always learning.

No one will ever know everything because the Earth Itself is constantly moving forward, changing and always for the better.

When at school, college or university --- the student is always reading books, writing and 'applying' the knowledge they have learnt.

The same is true when starting a new job --- every day is a learning curve.

If only we could apply this to every day life, then we would be constantly on the move, learning so much to help us through life.

What we learn today will always help us live tomorrow.


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Look At Life Today

 "Don't let yesterday take up too much of today"

Sometimes, we are thinking about what happened in our past, so much, that we do not notice what is happening today --- and that today is better.

This can happen to anyone and it can drag us down into a depression which we must constantly fight.

We need to just stop, look around us, and see that life is different today.

We are no longer making that mistake, or we no longer live in that 'situation', or we are no longer ill.

Our minds contain all of our memories --- some good and some bad --- and we need to keep the good memories constantly in front of us.

By living in today, we can make new and happier memories to look back on, in time.

Just don't let yesterday 'steal' today.