Wednesday, August 16, 2023

See What YOU Can Do

 "When you stop doubting yourself, you get a chance to see what you're capable of".

It is a sad fact that some of us are brought up with the "You'll never amount to anything" saying. Maybe we've heard a family member say it to us over and over again, and we eventually start to believe it.



At school, many teachers try to encourage us to take the "Can Do" attitude --- 'you can do it' --- 'believe in yourself' --- and you do eventually get that maths question right. I use maths because it took me 3 months to pass my A level maths when I was in my 30s, so anything really is possible. Yes, I took the exam 3 times but I passed on the 3rd time (with great relief).

But I did feel good for passing and not giving up, especially as maths is not an easy subject for me personally. Also, I felt like I had achieved something.

What about you?

What have you done recently, or in your past, that you are proud of because it was difficult but you still "accomplished" it?

Be Proud of That! Be Proud of Yourself!

Never doubt yourself --- the best don't need to!!!


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