Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Off You Go

 "If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one"

How many of us have said: "I wish I'd taken another road in life" ?

True, isn't it. It may have been through choice or maybe we have had no choice, either way, we wish for a different life.

So --- make yourself that different life!

Easier said than done but today there is so much available to help us in life, that it really is possible.

The mother who wanted to be a lawyer, but has two children, a husband and a house to run, can still become the lawyer she wanted to become. With adult education today, she surely can find the time to study and take those exams and become that lawyer. She'll be doing a job she enjoys and helping to support the family with her earnings. It just might take a little time. (for example)

And when we really want something, we'll take that time because it will be WORTH it.

What have you always wanted to do? Find a way and you'll be doing it in no time, walking the road you really want to walk down, (and you'll never be alone).


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