Wednesday, August 23, 2023


 "A little more kindness. A little less judgement"

Maybe it's because we are used to our old teachers 'critising' our schoolwork that we are used to being 'judged' on all levels. How does it make your feel though?

We need to show ourselves and others more kindness today inorder to see that smile and hear that laugh.

Say "Well Done You" more than "You can do better".

And don't just say but DO!

Help the old neighbour next door who can't walk too well, make that cup of coffee for your work colleague who's just done a 12 hour shift, or just simply cuddle your son and daughter and say: "well done for getting through school today".

Don't forget yourself though. Be Kind to yourself too, even if it is just sitting down for 10 minutes with a drink and reading your favourite book, because this is also healing.


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