Monday, August 14, 2023


 "Once you focus on your gifts instead of your problems, your whole perspective will change and you will see blessings everywhere"

It's a case of Controlling the Mind.

We see bad news everywhere and the mind just dwells on what it sees.

If we make the effort to see the good things in life, even physically, the mind will dwell on these good things.

It is a known fact that what the eye sees, the mind keeps in its memory. and this affects the body physically.

It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile, so smiling Should be easier!!!

So the next time you start feeling depressed, force your mind to think good thoughts, even looking at good 'pictures' (of people smiling, for example), and think of all the 'blessings' you have today, and that depression will soon disappear.

We live on the most beautiful planet in the solar system --- that on its own is enough to make us feel proud and lucky.


The Earth is in our hands as well as being our home.

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