Wednesday, August 2, 2023

"I'm Possible"

 "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I'm Possible"

I'll never do that, it's just impossible.

How many times have we said this? Looked at something and thought: "No way, that's impossible!"

Nothing is impossible, everything is Possible!

We just have to believe in ourselves and life and we'll do it. 

Whether it's a dream, a hobby or even just wanting a partner in life, it is in our hands to get what we really want. True, it may take some time, but it will be worth every single second.

Let's be Positive and think and say: "Yes, that is Possible and I'm going to do it!"


This young lady was deaf and blind at a time when many disabled people were put into asylums. However, Helen never said: "It's impossible" but made her life Possible and her life story is a real Inspiration for us today --- disabled or not --- man or woman.

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