Thursday, August 31, 2023

It's Important

 "The older I get, the more important peace of mind becomes"

When We're young, we are full of energy and ideas and want to race around life, grabbing at it with both hands.

When we are older we realize that going at a slower pace helps us to enjoy life more,


We realize how Important our Peace of Mind is.

Mental Health is just as important as our physical health, and knowing how to protect our minds is just as important as protecting our physical bodies.

Peace within our minds will bring calm to our bodies which can only help us to be healthy --- mentally and physically.


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

It's Worth It

 "I'm not telling you it will be easy. I'm telling you it will be worth it"

Anything worth having is never easy BUT it is always Worth It !

That new job or that new course at uni or even getting married --- that new life.

Yes, it is hard going and you may make a few mistakes on the way.

It's Worth Every Single Minute.

So next time you're finding things 'difficult' --- Remember --- just keep going and it will really be worth it.


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Choose Wisely

 "Getting knocked down in life is a given. Getting up and moving forward is a choice"

How many times have we said: "It's your choice!"

We all 'fall down' in life and make 'a' mistake, but staying down there is not an option!

Get Up !

Smile !

And just Carry On !

If you choose to stay down, your life will be so miserable and unhappy, but if you choose to Get Up and Move Forward you will be so much more happier.

And who knows what tomorrow will bring!?!

Never give up when 'life' knocks you down. Get up and say: "Well, what was that? It's not stopping me!" and show life who you really are.

That Strong and Positive person.


Monday, August 28, 2023

Keep The Faith

 "You can't control everything. Sometimes you just need to relax and have faith that things will work out. Let go a little and just let life happen"

Life does have its own way of working things out.

We worry so much and like to be in full control of everything, but, sometimes, life it just out of our control. This is when we have to 'keep the faith' and trust that life 'knows' what it is doing. 

Very often, things work out 'better' than if we ourselves had done things.

Going to a new job / going to a new school or college / going to live in a new house and / or with a new partner.

Worry   Worry   Worry.


Trust in your own faith in life itself and your own 'choices' and you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Life Is Good After All !


Sunday, August 27, 2023

SSHH Quieten Down

 "The answers you seek never come when the mind is busy, they come when the mind is still"

Sit down, in a quiet room, and just listen. What do you hear? Your breathing maybe. The birds singing outdoors possibly. Can you hear your mind?

We live such busy lives that it is easy to forget that our minds have something to say. How can we solve a problem, think it through, if we don't listen to our minds. This means taking time out of our day for ourselves and being quiet for a little while.

The 'problem' may seem a big one that needs thinking through, something you cannot do on the train on the way to work. You must sit quietly, taking the time to work out the best solution to the 'problem' --- and the best solution for YOU.

The quiet time will also give your mind the Peace it needs after a very busy and hard and noisy day. 

This is good for your mental health too.


Saturday, August 26, 2023

It Truly Will

 "Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise"

When we are going through a difficult time in our lives, it is easy to forget that life changes and things usually get better.

All we see is the darkness when we're in that 'situation' and it is hard to think that it is only temporary and that things will get better.

But we must train our minds to try to think that very thought. As sure as the sun will rise every single day, so that darkness we've been in will go, disappear, and hopefully soon forgotten.


Friday, August 25, 2023

How Does The Garden Grow ?

 "We are all different flowers, but together we create a beautiful garden"

Every single person on earth is different and special in their own way.

Whether it is the colour of our skin, our accent, our upbringing or our way of life --- we have the right to live here in Peace.

The 'variety' of people does indeed make this Earth Unique and Beautiful, just like that garden which is full of flowers.

Think of the animals, the variety, the colours, the different 'personalities' and yet they do seem to be able to live together. Maybe we should learn from them.


What We Can Learn From Animals

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Find The Opportunity

 "A positive mind finds opportunity in everything. A negative mind finds fault in everything"

This is Positivity as its best!

Whatever we're facing in life --- good or bad --- there is an opportunity to make life even better and happier.

This could be a 'training' of the mind, to look for the opportunity instead of the fault. To 'see' something coming up in life and to think of the Positive side to it.

A new job, a new school or college, even a new partner. Maybe a new home. Even new friends.

We must think of the Positive and not the negative.

This is also very good for our mental health, which is so Important.


Wednesday, August 23, 2023


 "A little more kindness. A little less judgement"

Maybe it's because we are used to our old teachers 'critising' our schoolwork that we are used to being 'judged' on all levels. How does it make your feel though?

We need to show ourselves and others more kindness today inorder to see that smile and hear that laugh.

Say "Well Done You" more than "You can do better".

And don't just say but DO!

Help the old neighbour next door who can't walk too well, make that cup of coffee for your work colleague who's just done a 12 hour shift, or just simply cuddle your son and daughter and say: "well done for getting through school today".

Don't forget yourself though. Be Kind to yourself too, even if it is just sitting down for 10 minutes with a drink and reading your favourite book, because this is also healing.


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

"Stay Strong!"

 "When life gives you a hundred reasons to break down and cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile and laugh. Stay Strong!"

To be Positive is the reality today.

We live in a world which is going through a very difficult time at the moment. The news is constantly telling us what is happening, not just in our own country, but worldwide also, and the news is not always very good to listen to.

But --- we need to know what is going on around us.

So just when we are feeling sad because another war has started or another pandemic is coming towards us or we're all caught up in the cost of living crisis --- Stand Your Ground!

Don't let the 'world' around you destroy the peace within you, draining you of any hope.

There Is Hope! It is in OUR Hands!

There is 'only' a hundred reasons to break down and cry --- but There Is a thousand reasons to smile, laugh and be happy.

One of them is this beautiful planet we live on --- The Earth. It's Natural Beauty gives us Strength every single day and it is up to us to stand still and look at that Strength, drawing it into us and building ourselves up both mentally and physically.


Monday, August 21, 2023

Don't Miss Out

"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take" 

"Oh I wish I'd done that and I had the opportunity too!"

How many times have we said this in our lives?

Either through circumstances or what other people expect of us, we do miss out on opportunities which come our way, sometimes, every single day.

I ask the question: "What do I want / what do you want?"

Instead of 'bowing' to pressure from others, do something that YOU want to do, and, today, most things are possible.

Did you want to study? Do It!

Did you want to become a vet? lawyer? doctor? Do It!

Did you just want to improve your education (because when you were younger you didn't have the opportunity)? Do It!

Education today allows most people, of most ages, to study most subjects and at reasonable prices (sometimes even free).

Of course, this can apply to anything in life but Education is a good start.

What do YOU Want to do?


Sunday, August 20, 2023

I Am Thankful

 "I woke up. I have clothes to wear. I have running water. I have food to eat. I am thankful".

Being thankful for what we have in life is a good way of bringing Positivity into our lives.

When we are thankful for what we have today, we are grateful towards Life Itself.

Living in this world, where we are 'denied' nothing (as it were), it is easy to forget what we 'should' be grateful for. We can go to any supermarket for our food. Go to bed at night and sleep on a nice, (hopefully) comfortable bed. We can turn on the t.v. and watch the news or a program we enjoy. We can wake up every morning without the fear of our homes being destroyed (in most countries).

Are we thankful for these things?


Saturday, August 19, 2023


 "Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love".

This is a 'quality' that every generation needs to learn.

Respect for others who share our planet with us, whether human or animal, even Respect for this very earth we live on.

Today, we live in a world of diversity, with so many different people living different ways. As long as we are all happy and not hurting anyone --- let's show that Respect.

After all, Respect shows how much we Love.


Friday, August 18, 2023


 "Be the reason someone believes in good people".

We've said this ourselves: "There are some good people in this world!" Especially when someone has gone beyond to help us out with something that is important to us personally.

A Smile, a Nod, a "Hello" can make all the difference in a person's life.

An older person may not have anyone at home to talk to, but when you 'chat' with them at the hospital (because you're both waiting to see the doctor), that older person feels good, better and happier.

When you're waiting at the train station for your train and you see that person, drinking coffee, but oh they do look sad, haven't you ever wanted to go up to him/her and just say: "It's ok, things will get better"? A gentle smile can sometimes get that person talking, and we'd do anything we can to help him/her.

Be that Reason ! ! !


Thursday, August 17, 2023

Well Done

 "If you fail, congratulations because most people don't even try".

It's true isn't it: "Oh you did that, I didn't bother because I knew I'd fail".

What a negative way of looking at life!

When we try to do something, especially if it is difficult for us personally, even if we 'fail', we should still be Proud that we at least 'tried'.

And to be honest, there are very few things in life that we will fail at, but if we don't even try --- we'll never know --- and then we miss out on (possibly) something special in our lives.

At least TRY, at least YOU had a go, and when you do succeed, it'll be a lovely surprise and you'll be ever so glad you did try.


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

See What YOU Can Do

 "When you stop doubting yourself, you get a chance to see what you're capable of".

It is a sad fact that some of us are brought up with the "You'll never amount to anything" saying. Maybe we've heard a family member say it to us over and over again, and we eventually start to believe it.



At school, many teachers try to encourage us to take the "Can Do" attitude --- 'you can do it' --- 'believe in yourself' --- and you do eventually get that maths question right. I use maths because it took me 3 months to pass my A level maths when I was in my 30s, so anything really is possible. Yes, I took the exam 3 times but I passed on the 3rd time (with great relief).

But I did feel good for passing and not giving up, especially as maths is not an easy subject for me personally. Also, I felt like I had achieved something.

What about you?

What have you done recently, or in your past, that you are proud of because it was difficult but you still "accomplished" it?

Be Proud of That! Be Proud of Yourself!

Never doubt yourself --- the best don't need to!!!


Tuesday, August 15, 2023


 "Self-discipline starts with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do".

Mental Health is becoming a very big concern and is recognized today as a very real 'problem'. 

Many addictions are traced back to what a person thinks or is shown. Once the eye sees something, it cannot be forgotten.

So, the 'trick' is to make sure that what we see and take into our minds, Builds our Minds up and Strengthens our Minds.

None of us are born with 'weak' minds but we can become 'weak' mentally when walking through life.

Don't let someone else 'force' depression upon you. I'm not talking about listening and helping someone who is depressed. I'm talking about that 'nasty' person who is jealous of your happiness, and they want you to think only negative thoughts, bringing doom and gloom into your world.

A simple "NO Thankyou!", if only in the mind, will help to protect your thoughts, thus protecting your mind.

And then you can personally have that "self-discipline" in Controlling your own mind and thoughts.

'Control what you Think, and you will Control what you Do'.


(If you feel you need help mentally, these 9 points will definately help you, just click on the above link)

Monday, August 14, 2023


 "Once you focus on your gifts instead of your problems, your whole perspective will change and you will see blessings everywhere"

It's a case of Controlling the Mind.

We see bad news everywhere and the mind just dwells on what it sees.

If we make the effort to see the good things in life, even physically, the mind will dwell on these good things.

It is a known fact that what the eye sees, the mind keeps in its memory. and this affects the body physically.

It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile, so smiling Should be easier!!!

So the next time you start feeling depressed, force your mind to think good thoughts, even looking at good 'pictures' (of people smiling, for example), and think of all the 'blessings' you have today, and that depression will soon disappear.

We live on the most beautiful planet in the solar system --- that on its own is enough to make us feel proud and lucky.


The Earth is in our hands as well as being our home.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

It's True

 "The best cure for the body is a quiet mind"

We live in a very busy world, full of many different things and activities. Watching the news every morning can turn our heads into a spin, and when we get to work or school/college, we've basically had it for the day --- and it's only 9.30am.

Yes, this is so true isn't it. We hardly have time to think, never mind sitting down quietly.

BUT --- it is a fact that what we do mentally does affect us physically.

Even the birds have their quiet time, when they are not singing but just sitting in the branches. Have you ever watched your cat or dog? Sometimes, he/she just sits down, curls up and is quiet for a little while.

We'd do well to 'copy' that.

To rest the mind is to rest the body which is better for our health overall.


Saturday, August 12, 2023

Do It Today !

 "What you do today can improve all your tomorrows"

Those taking their exams can appreciate these words. 

What about the rest of us though?

Reading that book, watching that documentary, listening to that music, writing in that journal.

Giving ourselves that "me time" today will definately help us tomorrow, resting our minds and bodies, and building ourselves up mentally and physically to 'see' tomorrow.

Giving ourselves some good memories to look back on is a good way to improve our tomorrows.

Visit that family member, have coffee with that friend, join in with that charity to make friends.

Tomorrow looks brighter already.


Friday, August 11, 2023

It Doesn't Matter

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop"

"Don't give up, you can do it, keep going".

These were my mum's words when I was doing my secondary school exams. I used to get terrible headaches and just wanted to give up, but she encouraged me, helping me to ease the headaches and even listening to me read my notes out loud. I was lucky to have a kind mum and I did the exams. Nothing special,(' run of the mill'), but I still managed to get a decent job with them.

My own experience of "not giving up" and I have always been a very 'slow' learner.

You'll get there, there is not time 'on life' (as it were) and don't look at the other person, they are probably thinking the same as you anyway.

This, of course, applies to anything in life, and sometimes, the special things take that little bit longer to just get it perfect for us individually.


Thursday, August 10, 2023

Treasure It

 "The simple act of listening to someone and making them feel as if they have truly been heard is a most treasured gift"

We all need someone to listen to us, to get the help we need, to let off steam or just for companionship.

It's in our nature.

And there is always that one person who will just sit down and listen to us, no matter what, and we always feel better afterwards.

This is a treasured gift. To just listen. Not judge, not condemn or even give advice. To just listen.

That other person will feel treasured because they will feel: "someone heard me, my voice".


Even the birds talk to each other during the dawn chorus

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Off You Go

 "If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one"

How many of us have said: "I wish I'd taken another road in life" ?

True, isn't it. It may have been through choice or maybe we have had no choice, either way, we wish for a different life.

So --- make yourself that different life!

Easier said than done but today there is so much available to help us in life, that it really is possible.

The mother who wanted to be a lawyer, but has two children, a husband and a house to run, can still become the lawyer she wanted to become. With adult education today, she surely can find the time to study and take those exams and become that lawyer. She'll be doing a job she enjoys and helping to support the family with her earnings. It just might take a little time. (for example)

And when we really want something, we'll take that time because it will be WORTH it.

What have you always wanted to do? Find a way and you'll be doing it in no time, walking the road you really want to walk down, (and you'll never be alone).


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Keep Moving !

 "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving".

Most of us can ride a bicycle and wasn't it exciting, learning to ride without falling off those two wheels.

Life is the same, only it's a life long learning to balance without 'falling down'.

How do we keep that balance?


It's so true isn't it, stagnant water becomes full of 'bad things'.

The busier we are in life, even if it's keeping our journal up to date and having something nice to write in it --- the more BALANCED our lives will be.

Looking after ourselves mentally and physically are also what will keep our BALANCE in life.

Even the Oceans move about, the waves (whether calm or stormy) go up and down and round and round, and the dolphins LOVE it!



Monday, August 7, 2023

Have Good Thoughts

 "If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely"

Everything good looks beautiful.

The rose not only looks beautiful but smells lovely too.

The kitten looks cute and purrs as it plays.

The baby learning to walk looks adorable, as he/she smiles.

How often do we think of these things? How often do we have time to think of these things? How can we make time to "think those good thoughts"?

\He / She is beautiful inside as well as outside.

(And don't forget, we're talking about YOU!!!)


Sunday, August 6, 2023

It's True !

 "No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world"

Isn't this so true!

Everything comes from the mind, whether it is a word or an idea.

I'm thinking of all the inventions over the hundreds of years, some we probably even take for granted.

The washing machine, the car, the cooker, the computer, the hoover, the laptop, etc, etc, etc.

What about the "ideas" which affect nations?

The Two World Wars started with someone 'thinking' and having 'ideas' and history shows us how that worked out.

But what about the good things that help. For example, the discoveries in the medical world, the research into cancer which is saving lives. Keeping someone alive after a terrible crash and they go on to live a fairly normal life. All of these things came from someone's mind.

So, the next time you have a thought --- don't cast it off (especially if it is a good thought) --- just see how possible it may be to actually 'see' that thought 'come alive'.

Change your own world.


Saturday, August 5, 2023


 "What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you"

We are surrounded by thousands of people and things which 'catch' our eyes all the time.

What is inside of us?

Do we know who we are, what we want and where we are going in Life?

A person who loves in their heart and tries their best to only be Positive and think good thoughts about others --- will always have Peace inside of them.


Friday, August 4, 2023

It's Your Script

 "You define your own life. Don't let other people write your script"

When you take Control of your own Life, others notice it and it encourages that person to take Control of their own Life, and before anyone knows it, we're all in Control of Life.

Which is something that we really need to do today.


Thursday, August 3, 2023

You Really Are !

 "The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot"

Wow, where did that hour go? I just looked at the time and it was ? 5 minutes ago (or so it seemed).

It's true isn't it, we look at our watches and then, before we even know it, 3 hours have gone by and we should be on our way home.

How can we control time? Well, to a certain degree we can't because we need to work, go to college, have appointments, and the list really is endless. But we do need to keep 'Control' of time and planning our day definately helps, if only to make sure we know when we need to take our tablets. But we need to 'Control' time for another reason --- our Health!

Yes, both mentally and physically we need to keep 'Control' of our time so that we know where we are and why we are there (or here). Also, we need to give ourselves some "me time", so make that time / date and enjoy that 30 minutes of just sitting down, reading your book (or watching your favourite program), with a drink and something to eat, and SEE that you really are the Pilot of your own Time.


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

"I'm Possible"

 "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I'm Possible"

I'll never do that, it's just impossible.

How many times have we said this? Looked at something and thought: "No way, that's impossible!"

Nothing is impossible, everything is Possible!

We just have to believe in ourselves and life and we'll do it. 

Whether it's a dream, a hobby or even just wanting a partner in life, it is in our hands to get what we really want. True, it may take some time, but it will be worth every single second.

Let's be Positive and think and say: "Yes, that is Possible and I'm going to do it!"


This young lady was deaf and blind at a time when many disabled people were put into asylums. However, Helen never said: "It's impossible" but made her life Possible and her life story is a real Inspiration for us today --- disabled or not --- man or woman.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Dream Dream Dream

 "When you have a dream, you've got to grab it and never let it go"

When was the last time you thought about what you really wanted in life?

Did you have a Dream which you were 'aiming' for but forgot about because of the busyness of life?

When you were young --- what did you want to be?

Even if you are married with a family to look after (man or woman), you can still "follow that Dream"!

Whether you need to study for it, or can do it at home, or need to even 'plan' for it --- you can have that Dream!

Today, with the internet and adult education, we have everything to help us walk towards our Dream, we just need to put time into it ourselves.

And surely we can find 10 - 15 minutes every single day for ourselves!

It's not selfish because it will make us happy, and happiness rubs off onto others and then everybody will be smiling.

So --- take hold of that Dream and Live the Dream.


I've put an article on Sir David Attenborough because he's been documenting Wildlife for over 50 years and is really like a 'teacher', never giving up on his "Dream". I just feel that he is a great example to read about and be Inspired from --- especially as he is still going at 97 years of age!