Tuesday, July 4, 2023

You Have Nothing To Prove To Anyone

 "Learn to be okay with people not knowing your side of the story. You have nothing to prove to anyone."

"But you haven't heard my side of the story yet!"

How many times have we said and thought this???

However, is it really that important that your side is put out??? Besides, you know the Truth and you really have nothing to prove to anyone. I'm not talking about in a Court of Law as that is a whole different situation, but in every day life, even something that goes back to childhood, your Peace of mind is far more Important than getting your side of the story over, and after many years --- what difference would it make anyway???

But --- if it does still 'niggle' you, write it down, all your thoughts and feelings --- let them out. Get yourself a little notebook which only you read and 'let it all out'. This is a good therapy, which many professionals advise (and I do this myself and the relief leaves me feeling much happier). You know it's there and you've proved to yourself that You Are Just As Important As Anyone Else!


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