Saturday, July 8, 2023

The Beast Is Sleeping

 "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. The beast in me is sleeping."

We try all the time to stay 'a kind person', no matter what is thrown at us. However, kindness is not weakness. We can still be kind and keep our standards, protecting ourselves from that odd person (idiot, if I may say so) who tries to 'use' us for our kindness.

The Earth is kind to us

This planet gives us everything we need to live --- food, clothes, medicine, fun. But if we humans try to 'take advantage' and are greedy, the Earth soon let's us know who's boss!

We can be the same. Yes, show that kindness but if anyone tries to think we are weak --- let the beast lose (in a controlled way).

Most people want to be kind and show kindness. Don't let the few who don't, ruin our personalities.


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