Thursday, July 13, 2023

The Best Is Yet To Come

 "Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come"

No matter how difficult life seems, it will get better!

It is hard to remember this when we're actually going through 'a trial', whether it's with our health, money or relationships. The last line in "Gone With The Wind" is: "After all, tomorrow is another day!"

We just have to "KEEP THE FAITH" --- mainly in ourselves --- that things will come right.

We are walking through life and every day is a new experience, it's up to us to make that experience a good and happy one, if only in our minds.


Florence Nightingale changed the face of nursing, setting up the nursing that we have today, but back then, it must have seemed an impossible task. Yet, she did it and at a time when 'women' were supposed to marry, have children and be 'gentle' little things. Florence must have been pleased when she reached her final destination, and looked back at what she had personally achieved. An Inspiration for us today.

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