Friday, July 7, 2023

Notice Them

 "Notice the people who make an effort to stay in your life".

People come and go in our lives.

Here today because we work with them, but when we leave and go onto work somewhere else, we rarely keep in contact. Friends from school rarely stay in our lives because we all move on in life.

However, there is that one special friend who is always on the other end of the phone, and you have both made that effort to keep in contact. I've got a friend like that, we practically grew up in the same house, and although we both married and moved away, we kept each other's numbers. Recently, we accidently met in the high street and found that we live near each other, so it's been coffee every week since then.

Friends or family who make that extra effort to stay in our lives, are Worth our time and attention!

Because like us, they are Special!


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