Sunday, July 2, 2023

"I'm recharging my batteries"

 "Sometimes --- I need to go off on my own. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm recharging my batteries."

We sometimes just need that five minutes to give our minds that little bit of time to calm our souls and refresh our bodies --- ready for the next 12 hour shift (or whatever we're working at).

How can we possibly do this during the day? We are so busy and (sometimes) every single minute is taken up. However, like we take that tablet to stop the pain, so we must learn to give ourselves 5 minutes (more, if possible), every single day, to help us refresh and 'control' our minds. I even write it down in my diary --- "10am me-time for 10 minutes with a cuppa and biscuit --- the biscuit is optional. 

Can you give yourself 15 minutes in the evening, after dinner, to 'just calm down'? We're supposed to let our food go down anyway so why not use that time --- read a favourite book, watch a favourite programme or even play that game  you love on your phone. Even if you do this just once a week, the effects on your health will be so Positive, you'll want to do it every day.


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