Monday, July 31, 2023

In Love

 "Be in love with your life. Every minute of it"

I'm in love and I hope you are too!

Not with a person or a 'thing' but with LIFE Itself.

It's a bit like being in love with yourself but why not? Why not Love your Life?

The 'trick' is making it Worth Loving.


Sunday, July 30, 2023

Don't Forget

 "If you climb a mountain, don't forget to enjoy the view"

This can be taken literally or mentally.

When you are working so hard to get the life you know you deserve, don't forget to 'SEE' others as you go. Don't ignore your family, who you are working so hard to support. Enjoy the journey and those who share it with you.

When you're driving a car to your next destination, you go so fast that you do not see the beautiful scenery. The same is true in life. You are working so much, so many hours, that you haven't seen your mother in 6 months (for example), or, you don't have a family of your own because 'work' has taken up all of your mind and life.

STOP !!!

Sit Down!

And just look around you, talk to your loved one, give them a cuddle, and see the beautiful LIFE that you have NOW.


Saturday, July 29, 2023

You Have The Power!!!

"You have power over your mind, not out-side events. Realize this, and you will find Strength"

We do not always have control over how we live, who we live with or where we live. BUT we can Control what and how we Think. 

Thinking Positive thoughts, if only about ourselves or our own personal lives, will Build Up our Strength within us to 'see the next day', 'see it through' or simply 'to live'.

Remember that Smile?

Smile to give yourself and others Hope.



Friday, July 28, 2023

Happy Moments

"May your day be filled with good thoughts, kind people, and happy moments" 

Good Thoughts are good for the mind, Kind People are good for the emotions, and Happy Moments give us happy things to remember.

All these things are good for our Health, both Physically and Mentally.


Thursday, July 27, 2023

What Does Truly Matter?

 "Life is so much brighter when we focus on what truly matters"

Every single one of us is so busy with our every day lives that we do not (always) focus on "what truly matters".

What matters to you personally?

What matters to me personally?

What are the most important things in our lives that should come first --- no matter what?

Health --- Love --- Relationships --- Family --- our Homes --- Eating properly --- Acceptance.

Health definately comes first and where would YOU put the others?

Does it matter? They are right up there with Health!


The picture of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert is here because they did put their family first. Like the Royal Family today, Family is the Foundation of our Civilization.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Trust Your Instincts

 "Always trust your instincts. They are messages from your soul"

I've got a gut feeling about this, no, I'm not ignoring it (this time).

We've all said it and thought it,

If only we realized just how Important this Instinct really is!

We're always saying that animals have a sixth sense and can 'sense' things. But we also come from this planet Earth and should listen to our own 'human' instincts too. They are there to Protect us.

How often do we regret not listening to our gut feelings and yet, are glad when we do listen to our instincts.

Listen to your Soul and your Life will Be Happier and Safer.


Tuesday, July 25, 2023

It's Your Life

 "Depend on yourself. It's your life. Your responsibility. Your choices. Your success. Learn to Fight Alone"

Sometimes we forget this.

Sometimes others forget this.

We need to OWN our own LIVES and this is one way of doing that.


I've put in this article because women, back in those days, fought for what they believed was right, and today, we do have a lot more freedom.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Smile, Hope and Be Strong

 "Just because a person smiles all the time, doesn't mean their life is perfect. That smile is a symbol of Hope and Strength"

We all do it!

"How are you today?" --- "I'm fine thank you, how are you?" we say with a big smile on our faces, even though we're having an emotional fight with ourselves.

Sound familiar?

However, that SMILE shows that we have HOPE and STRENGTH --- the HOPE in the Future and the STRENGTH to Face It, even Make It!

So the next time you see someone Smile, just remember, they probably feel the same way as you but that Smile Promises Hope. What a world this would be if we all Smiled all of the time, no matter what.


Sunday, July 23, 2023

So True!

 "Beauty is a state of the mind, not a state of the body"

Remember this!

You are Beautiful inside which makes you Beautiful on the outside.


Saturday, July 22, 2023

You Never Gave Up

 "Soon, when all is well, you're going to look back on this period of your life and be so glad that you never gave up"

Have you ever done this?

Gone through a 'difficult' time and then looked back at it and felt proud of yourself because you never gave up and are here today to prove that.

Maybe it was an illness, or looking after a loved one when they are ill, or had to study for a new job, or just generally gone through a very difficult time (a divorce, bullying, etc), and at the time --- life just seemed impossible and you just cannot see tomorrow.

Take each day as it comes, going through life almost like 'remote' and then comes that one day when --- relief --- it has 'resolved itself' or you have stepped in and 'put things right' (if you can).

How good do you feel? You got through that and deserve that pat on the back and well done (and little treat for yourself). Smile and feel that happiness.

We are Alive today and should be proud of that and glad because something nice has or will happen --- just for us!


Friday, July 21, 2023

Do Not Do This!!!

 "Don't compare your chapter one to someone else's chapter twenty"

We have all done this, especially at school: "He / she is much better than me, with nicer clothes and neater handwriting or a happier family" --- comparing our own lives to theirs.
This is a mistake!

For one thing, behind clothes doors, we don't know what they are going through or how they are living, but also --- are they any happier? They may be thinking the very same thing about you / us.
So, we should be thinking: "I've got what I've got, I'm going to make the best of it!"

Every one of us is Beautiful, Alive and (hopefully) have Good Health.

The only one we should be looking in the mirror at is Ourselves.


Thursday, July 20, 2023

Think Positive

"Think Positive, and Positive things will happen" 

The more we 'train' our minds to think and look on Positive things, the more our attitude will change and the more likely things will appear to happen --- for the GOOD!

Instead of "that's just not possible", we start to think "Yeah, I can see that happening" and we will start to become more Positive and Happier in our own lives.

The news is important to read or hear, and we need the Drs and nurses to help us, basically, 'live' and get over illnesses, but even with this, we ourselves can still have that very Positive "Will Do" attitude. I will get over that problem or that illness or 'whatever' and this does rub off on other people also.

Let's help ourselves with a Positive attitude, which does affect our minds and bodies and lives.


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Look Forward To What's Coming Next!

 "Starting today, I need to forget what's gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what's coming next"

We all have 'history' which we all have to 'live with'. BUT --- we have to ask ourselves: "What have I got today?" and appreciate the good things, the benefits --- a roof over our heads, food in the fridge, electricity for the TV and radio and radiators. Simple things but easy to take for granted.

What about our family? Our friends? Do we work? Are we at school or college?

And what about our 'physical' things? A decent phone? Books to read / a nice TV to watch programmes on? A hobby we love to do every day?

Let's focus on the GOOD things and POSITIVE things and LOOK FORWARD to the FUTURE!


The Edwardian Era was a time of real change, with new inventions and new ideas, which was the basis of how we (literally) live today. They looked forward to the future, wanting to make it a better and happier time. Click on the link to see what new inventions they had (back then) which we may take for granted but should appreciate today.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Perseverance And Confidence

 "We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves"

Keep Going and Believe in Yourself!

These are actually Marie Curie's words and she is quite right. Marie was an unusual woman at a time when women were expected to get married, have children and live a quiet and obedient life. I don't doubt she was 'obedient' but she 'swam against the norm'. She did get married but 'worked' through her life, becoming the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize, blazing the trail for cancer research today.

It makes me think: "What am I doing with my life?" Looking after our loved ones, working every day and generally taking care of ourselves shows that we have Confidence and Perseverance in our own lives.


Have a read about her life and find Inspiration.

Monday, July 17, 2023

It Is Necessary!

 "Make yourself a priority once in a while. It's not selfish! It's necessary"

We are all so busy looking after everyone else that we totally 'forget' about ourselves and what we personally need.

It is commendable when we look after our families, loved ones, our neighbour who needs help with the shopping --- BUT --- we MUST look after ourselves too!!!

A little "me time" won't hurt anybody and will, in fact, help us (for a change). 5 Minutes / 10 minutes / 15 minutes, even 30 minutes in our day to just sit down, relax and breathe, meditate, read that favourite book, listen to music or watch that documentary we missed last week. 

If we are too busy to do this --- we are too busy and will burn out (which no one wants).

So --- let's make sure that we DO give ourselves that "Me-Time" every single day and we will notice how much this will refresh our minds and bodies.


We do our best to look after this beautiful planet we live on, it's also time to look after ourselves.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Health Is Wealth

 "It is health that is the real wealth, not pieces of gold and silver"

How true is this saying!!!

Rich or poor --- everyone of us is affected by our health, and everyone of us needs that doctor, hospital or therapy. This is the Real Wealth --- our Health --- our very Lives.

Yes, money 'helps' us through life, in fact we need it to buy food, clothes and sometimes that medication, but it doesn't 'give' us our lives. 

Looking after our bodies and minds is FREE to do --- the quiet five minutes to just sit down and rest, the cool glass of water on a hot day, the walk through the park to give our legs that exercise. We need to 'learn' to look after our minds and bodies thus appreciating our 'wealth'!


Saturday, July 15, 2023


 "Hope is being able to see the light despite the darkness"

 (Desmond Tutu)

I don't think anyone of us would argue with Desmond Tutu!

At the moment I think we're all going through something, whether it's financial or health or relationships, and it seems that after Covid --- will it ever end???

We have got to keep that HOPE in our hearts and say: "Yes, life will get better!!!"

We may not be able to change our personal situation but we can help ourselves 'live through it'.

Meditation, gratitude journaling, even therapy or counseling. How about going for a coffee with a good friend and just having a chat. We need to refresh and rebuild our minds and bodies.

So remember --- there is always hope ahead of us, like that bright light that is just in front of us, guiding us out of the darkness.


Friday, July 14, 2023

A Great One

 "The day is what you make it! So why not make it a great one?"

This is so true.

Our life is in our hands, which means our days are, but we don't think of this, getting carried away with work, school, college, and just everyday life.

Sometimes, we worry too, about the bills, the debts, our health or our loved ones.

If we can just get hold of our minds and try to make the mind as Positive as possible, this will help us to Control our days to make them good and happy days --- or at least Positive ones!

Remember, our life is in our hands which means our days are in our hands. It would be nice to look back on them and smile.


Thursday, July 13, 2023

The Best Is Yet To Come

 "Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come"

No matter how difficult life seems, it will get better!

It is hard to remember this when we're actually going through 'a trial', whether it's with our health, money or relationships. The last line in "Gone With The Wind" is: "After all, tomorrow is another day!"

We just have to "KEEP THE FAITH" --- mainly in ourselves --- that things will come right.

We are walking through life and every day is a new experience, it's up to us to make that experience a good and happy one, if only in our minds.


Florence Nightingale changed the face of nursing, setting up the nursing that we have today, but back then, it must have seemed an impossible task. Yet, she did it and at a time when 'women' were supposed to marry, have children and be 'gentle' little things. Florence must have been pleased when she reached her final destination, and looked back at what she had personally achieved. An Inspiration for us today.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Makes You Beautiful

 "What makes you different makes you beautiful"

You stand out in a crowd because you love certain things or you live a certain way.

You are still Beautiful!

You may like to wear different clothes, unusual make-up or work in an unusual job.

You are still Beautiful!

You may chose a different gender, or are a different skin colour, or just like to stand out to be heard.

You are still Beautiful!

The Beauty of living in this century is that we CAN be different without too many people 'staring' at us. So much is accepted today that we must never forget that our own lives are really precious --- no matter how different they may be.


Tuesday, July 11, 2023

It's Up To Us

 "We are not given a good life or a bad life. We are given a life. It's up to us to make it good or bad"

How many times have we heard this?!

It is in our hands whether our lives are good or bad, happy or sad, (even if that is just mentally).

Today, we have so many opportunities to change our lives for the better, that all we really need is the Courage to just 'do it!'

We may not have the life we wanted when we were younger, but counting our blessings will keep our minds on a much higher plane (as it were), giving us that determination to keep our lives Strong and Happy.


Monday, July 10, 2023

Be The Eraser

 "If you can't be a pencil to write someone's happiness then try to be the eraser to remove their sadness"

We all try to 'keep that stiff upper lip!'

But it is not easy!

If we're finding it difficult, so is that person standing next to us, in the bus queue or waiting for the same train. Or --- even one of our closest friends or loved one. We would do anything we could to try to "cheer them up" wouldn't we.

We can't always 'write' a happy note into someone's day but we can try to 'remove' the pain, or, at the very least --- let him or her know that we are there and ready to help in any way we can.

Just a side thought --- don't forget to try to do this for yourself. When you are feeling sad (for what ever reason), try to cheer yourself up, forcing your mind onto a happier thought, or deliberately 'do something' that you know will make you feel better, (including eating a little chocolate).

I personally use music. If I start to feel sad, maybe something on TV 'triggered' a memory, I listen to music that I know will take my mind into a different and happier 'world' --- it is like a kind of medicine, but for me personally, it does really work.

Why not try it?


Helen Keller was deaf and blind in the 1800s, yet she didn't let this stop her or pull her down in any way. Her life story is a real Inspiration for us today. Click on the link and be Inspired. (It's free)

Sunday, July 9, 2023

No Enemy Outside Can Hurt You

 "When there is no enemy within, no enemy outside can hurt you"

Learn to LOVE Yourself!

When you love yourself from the inside, no one can 'get in' to hurt you, even from the outside!

I'm thinking about those who 'self-harm' --- please don't ignore them --- they are asking for help!

Something or someone in their past has hurt them so much that this seems the only way they can 'deal' with it. Thank goodness we have good therapy these days. The professionals are beginning to recognize that this is a very real problem, and (over time) we are learning how to handle it.

One 'treatment' that I use is to write in a journal, (I know, I've said this before), but it really does work as it lets out all my emotions --- in a controlled way. Some people can draw which is a real blessing. Writing  it out is "getting it out" and the relief leaves you / me feeling more in control of life.

So don't let that person from the past (who is probably outside your life now) ruin your day / life. Have Peace within and "no enemy outside can hurt you"!


Anne was a good example for us because she didn't let those outside her 'world' ruin her personality or hope. Her life story is an Inspiration for us today. 
(click on the link to read her story, it's free) 

Saturday, July 8, 2023

The Beast Is Sleeping

 "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. The beast in me is sleeping."

We try all the time to stay 'a kind person', no matter what is thrown at us. However, kindness is not weakness. We can still be kind and keep our standards, protecting ourselves from that odd person (idiot, if I may say so) who tries to 'use' us for our kindness.

The Earth is kind to us

This planet gives us everything we need to live --- food, clothes, medicine, fun. But if we humans try to 'take advantage' and are greedy, the Earth soon let's us know who's boss!

We can be the same. Yes, show that kindness but if anyone tries to think we are weak --- let the beast lose (in a controlled way).

Most people want to be kind and show kindness. Don't let the few who don't, ruin our personalities.


Friday, July 7, 2023

Notice Them

 "Notice the people who make an effort to stay in your life".

People come and go in our lives.

Here today because we work with them, but when we leave and go onto work somewhere else, we rarely keep in contact. Friends from school rarely stay in our lives because we all move on in life.

However, there is that one special friend who is always on the other end of the phone, and you have both made that effort to keep in contact. I've got a friend like that, we practically grew up in the same house, and although we both married and moved away, we kept each other's numbers. Recently, we accidently met in the high street and found that we live near each other, so it's been coffee every week since then.

Friends or family who make that extra effort to stay in our lives, are Worth our time and attention!

Because like us, they are Special!


Thursday, July 6, 2023

It's Behind You!

 "Don't stumble over something that is already behind you."

(Seneca the Younger)

Our minds are amazing! They take in information of every kind and (usually) when we're not even thinking of something. 

But, the mind can also go back to something in the past which caused us great pain, either physical or mental, and these flash backs are hard to deal with. An accident where we lost someone we love, a type of abuse which 'scarred' us, or even just what someone carelessly said to us at school (a school bully!). When these memories come up into our minds, it is hard to push them away or to 'get rid of them'. Because they are in the mind, the memory cannot be erased so --- how do we deal with this?

If the memory is particularly 'bad' we must ask for help. The therapy that professionals can give us is "first class" and --- yes --- this therapy does save lives. For once, think about your own life and get that help!!!


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Speak Kindly

 "If speaking kindly to plants can help them grow, just imagine what speaking kindly to humans can do." 

Speaking kindly to others takes all of five minutes (if that) and can change that person's day.

We know what it's like --- we get up, get ready for work / to go out and all the while (possibly) in a lot of pain, worried about that electricity bill and you promised to look in on mum and do her some dinner. Your mind is constantly moving, going onto the next thing that you have to or want to do, and then you fall over and smash your knee. You feel like crying but someone comes up to you and asks: "Can I help you? Here, let me get you a cool drink, just sit quietly and I'll stay with you until you feel ready to go on. Can I phone anyone for you?"

How do you feel?

Life is worth living after all!

And this does happen, this is real! 

Waiting at the bus stop or for the train, and you see someone on their own, looking 'sad' or worried. A smile and a "Hello" can make all the difference for that person, maybe a little chat about how long you've been waiting, and that other person may soon be chatting away.

We would feel grateful for it, and so does that other person.

Let's make this world WORTH living in!


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

You Have Nothing To Prove To Anyone

 "Learn to be okay with people not knowing your side of the story. You have nothing to prove to anyone."

"But you haven't heard my side of the story yet!"

How many times have we said and thought this???

However, is it really that important that your side is put out??? Besides, you know the Truth and you really have nothing to prove to anyone. I'm not talking about in a Court of Law as that is a whole different situation, but in every day life, even something that goes back to childhood, your Peace of mind is far more Important than getting your side of the story over, and after many years --- what difference would it make anyway???

But --- if it does still 'niggle' you, write it down, all your thoughts and feelings --- let them out. Get yourself a little notebook which only you read and 'let it all out'. This is a good therapy, which many professionals advise (and I do this myself and the relief leaves me feeling much happier). You know it's there and you've proved to yourself that You Are Just As Important As Anyone Else!


Monday, July 3, 2023

You Deserve Peace!

 "Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace"

It is hard to forgive and forget, and sometimes "he / she just doesn't deserve to be forgiven" or "I just can't forgive them". We've all said this and with good reason, if only to protect ourselves.

BUT ---


that comes from letting that person go, even if that does mean forgiving him / her.

I'm not going to quote Christian scripture (although I do personally respect Christianity), but I do know from research and experience that by forgiving and letting go of that bad "incident / person", we give ourselves the gift of PEACE ---

PEACE of Mind and PEACE of Soul and Spirit.

We Deserve PEACE !


Sunday, July 2, 2023

"I'm recharging my batteries"

 "Sometimes --- I need to go off on my own. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm recharging my batteries."

We sometimes just need that five minutes to give our minds that little bit of time to calm our souls and refresh our bodies --- ready for the next 12 hour shift (or whatever we're working at).

How can we possibly do this during the day? We are so busy and (sometimes) every single minute is taken up. However, like we take that tablet to stop the pain, so we must learn to give ourselves 5 minutes (more, if possible), every single day, to help us refresh and 'control' our minds. I even write it down in my diary --- "10am me-time for 10 minutes with a cuppa and biscuit --- the biscuit is optional. 

Can you give yourself 15 minutes in the evening, after dinner, to 'just calm down'? We're supposed to let our food go down anyway so why not use that time --- read a favourite book, watch a favourite programme or even play that game  you love on your phone. Even if you do this just once a week, the effects on your health will be so Positive, you'll want to do it every day.


Saturday, July 1, 2023

Different Doesn't Mean Wrong!


Every one of us deserves to live on this Earth!

Think of all the different species which share our planet with us --- dolphins, horses, birds, dogs, cats, spiders (etc, etc.) --- every single one of them is a different colour and lives in a different way but they all seem to live 'together'.

So can we!

No matter our gender, colour, way of living, religious life (and so much more), we can 'learn' from these other creatures and live together in a calming environment. Let's face it, when we sit on the bench, in a park and look around us, we 'hear' the quiet and 'see' the beauty of this planet Earth. I personally love to hear the birds in our garden, it is so calming to my mind.

What do you do to rest and rebuild your mind?

Live and Love Life!